This week we start with the first of many reading workshop days this year. We will read every Monday during the first semester. Some important reminders and guidelines:
- You are required to read a minimum of two focused hours per week. This includes the time you take in class to read. This is non-negotiable. Treat your reading time as you would any other homework.
This week we start with the first of many reading workshop days this year. We will read every Monday during the first semester. Some important reminders and guidelines:
- You are required to read a minimum of two focused hours per week. This includes the time you take in class to read. This is non-negotiable. Treat your reading time as you would any other homework.
- How much you read (quantity) is personalized to you and your book. Be sure to calculate an accurate reading rate when you begin any new book to determine how many pages you should be able to read. You should meet or beat your goal each week. That’s how you know you are staying on track in your growth as a reader. I will be checking each week to help you stay on track.
- If you finish your book mid-week, begin another. Don’t forget to take your reading rate and set your weekly goals for that book. Consult your “on-deck” list. There’s also a list of “Recommended Reading” on this website (Click “Meet Your Next Favorite Book” on the right).
- Log all finished books in the Independent Reading Log online (under Honors World Lit tab).
- Beginning in October, you will be required to write weekly reflections in your notebook. Details about that will be given out later.