We'll finish our poetry unit up by exploring some other poetic forms. Each student will pick one of the forms described HERE to compose a poem. (More info on forms can be found HERE .) Read through some of the descriptions and samples and find a form you'd like to try.
Do the following:
- pick a poetic form; learn its construction; read samples
- compose a poem in the form
- create a document that includes the following: the name and explanation of the form + your own original poem in that form
- be prepared to explain the poetic form to your class
[Note: you can pick any form EXCEPT for "Acrostic."]
Come up with your own form!
- devise the rules, restrictions, and grammar for your own form of poetry
- come up with a name for it
- write one of your own
PARTS 1 + 2 are both due on WEDNESDAY, 2/10. Typed, neatly presented. (Make sure to include explanations.)